Register at
Registration Rates
Institutional Passes allow one employer to have multiple employees use the same pass over the two days of the conference. However, only one user is allowed at sessions at a time. One meal ticket per day per pass is issued. Institutional Pass users will be asked to sign out the pass by leaving an ID (driver’s license or other ID) at the Onsite Registration Desk when they pick up the pass.
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center will host ColLABorate 2025
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center
7725 Kirkwood Boulevard SW; Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
Room Rates
$159.00 per night (single/double) + taxes and fees
Last Day to Book: Monday, March 24, 2025
Reserve by phone: Reservations should be made directly with the Reservation Desk by phoning 319-848-8700 or toll-free at 877-751-5111. Ask for the ASCLS-IA/ASCP Iowa Spring Meeting block.