ColLABorate 2025
American Society for Clinical Laboratory - Iowa (ASCLS-IA) is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program.

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Tuesday, April 15

8:30am CDT

"Defying Gravity" or How to Master Chemistry for the ASCP Exam!
Tuesday April 15, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am CDT
Are you ready to "Defy Gravity" and master the chemistry content for the ASCP Exam? This session will focus on clinical chemistry content, study aids and practice questions in case study format to enable the participant in preparation and confidence.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Define and describe specific content areas in Chemistry and Lab Operations for the MLT and MLS ASCP Board Exam
  2. Compare and contrast learning strategies and list teaching aids to assist in preparation for Chemistry and Lab Operations exam questions
  3. Participate and assimilate in chemistry case study review to improve confidence in preparation for the Clinical Chemistry and Lab Operations areas for MLT and MLS
avatar for Amy Kapanka, MS, MLS(ASCP)SC

Amy Kapanka, MS, MLS(ASCP)SC

MLT Program Director, Hawkeye Community College MLT Program
Ms. Kapanka received hereducation from the University of South Dakota and the University of Iowa and has been both a MLT and MLS Program Director.  With 40 years of teaching experience, Ms. Kapanka still loves the lab and her passion is watching her students and graduates excell... Read More →
Tuesday April 15, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am CDT

9:45am CDT

And the Golden Raspberry goes to…Microbiology!
Tuesday April 15, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am CDT
The Razzies honor “the worst” in the movie world.  In the clinical lab and lab science programs, Microbiology is also sometimes just that – the worst, hardest, most dreaded area or class. This session is a review of Clinical Microbiology’s common (and uncommon) bad-bug-organisms, confusing identification tests, and off-putting specimens and diseases.  It is designed mainly to help prepare students for their BOC exam, but anyone interested in miserable microorganisms is welcome!  
Learning Objectives:
  1. Correlate pathogenic bacteria and normal microbiota with body sites.
  2. Identify bacteria, parasites, and fungi microscopically.
  3. Evaluate microscopic and macroscopic morphology, and biochemical results to identify organisms in case studies.
avatar for Karen Campbell

Karen Campbell

MLT Program Director, Des Moines Area Community College
Karen Campbell has been an MLT faculty member and Program Director at DMACC for 25 years. She has taught all subject areas, but her favorites are Blood Bank and Microbiology.  She earned her degrees from Drake University and Mercy Medical Center.
Tuesday April 15, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am CDT

11:00am CDT

Turning Hematology & Coagulation Inside Out!
Tuesday April 15, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT
Feeling Anxiety about your upcoming board exam? Does your current level of Hematology knowledge inspire Sadness or Fear? Do you feel Ennui when daydreaming about the Coagulation cascade? In this session, we'll find Joy in gathering up as many Heme & Coag experience orbs as we can to deposit them into long term memory. Students and seasoned techs alike are welcome to hop on this Train of Thought!
Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify abnormal red and white blood cell peripheral blood smear findings.
  2. Correlate hematology and coagulation lab test findings with disease states.
  3. Evaluate hematology and coagulation data to solve case studies.
avatar for Josh Kraushaar

Josh Kraushaar

MLT Program Faculty, Des Moines Area Community College
Josh Kraushaar has loved laboratory science since becoming a certified MLS in 2001. Since then, he’s held positions of bench tech generalist, shift supervisor, laboratory director, MLT program director, and now MLT faculty instructor at DMACC in Ankeny. This is his 10th year teaching... Read More →
Tuesday April 15, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm CDT

3:00pm CDT

May the Force Be with You - A Guide to Critical Thinking in Blood Bank
Tuesday April 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Ever felt alone in making critical decisions in blood bank?  Never fear - the speaker will provide some "always, always, always" rules to follow that will aid in resolving complex situations.  This review session will provide interactive patient situations to emphasize important concepts in blood bank testing and provide practical steps to confidently conquering blood bank.  
Learning Objectives:
  1. apply logical pattern of steps in solving blood bank problems.
  2.  accumulate data to make differential decisions.
  3.  analyze complex blood bank situations.

avatar for Janet Whitney

Janet Whitney

Assistant Professor, Mercy College of Health Sciences
Janet graduated from Wartburg College with a Bachelor of Arts (Science); then attended St. Luke’s Hospital School of Medical Technology.  After gaining clinical experience, she completed the Specialist in Blood Bank program at Memorial Blood Center.   Janet continued her education... Read More →
Tuesday April 15, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
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