ColLABorate 2025
American Society for Clinical Laboratory - Iowa (ASCLS-IA) is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program.

Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Advanced sequencing methods, coupled with sophisticated bioinformatics tools, have revolutionized molecular testing, enabling unprecedented insights into genetic and genomic data. This powerful partnership facilitates the accurate identification of genetic variations, disease markers, and therapeutic targets.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Introduction to sequencing and molecular testing
  2. To learn the computer analysis steps involved in analyzing sequence data
  3. To know the impact of advanced molecular tests in patient care
avatar for Ramakrishna Sompallae

Ramakrishna Sompallae

Director, Pathology Clinical Bioinformatics, University of Iowa
Dr. Sompallae serves as the Director of Pathology Clinical Bioinformatics at the University of Iowa. He joined the university in 2012 as a Bioinformatics Scientist and played a key role in developing and implementing next-generation sequence-based molecular tests. He completed his... Read More →
Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
  GEN: General/Interdisciplinary/Other

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