ColLABorate 2025
American Society for Clinical Laboratory - Iowa (ASCLS-IA) is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E. ® Program.

Wednesday April 16, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am CDT
This presentation will showcase case studies to enhance problem-solving in the coagulation laboratory. We’ll analyze diagnostic interpretation, therapeutic decisions, and pre-analytical issues, while suggesting cost-effective testing patterns. Attendees will gain insights into managing complex coagulation abnormalities and learn best practices for accurate, step-by-step testing to improve patient outcomes.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify the role of different routine and specialized coagulation assays in diagnosis of hemostatic problems, especially thrombosis
  2. Present current methods for screening and confirmation of problems related to hypo- and hypercoagulability
  3. Correlate coagulation testing to specific clinical cases
avatar for LaShanta N Brice

LaShanta N Brice

Scientific Engagement and Clinical Education Scientist, Diagostica Stago
Dr. LaShanta Brice holds a Doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Sciences from UTMB Galveston and has 15 years of experience in hematology, coagulation, management, and education. Formerly a supervisor at Brooke Army Medical Center, she now serves as a Scientific Engagement & Clinical... Read More →
Wednesday April 16, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am CDT

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